Full-service business and brand identity design, including mobile and web application designs for Apace, a fintech company building products that help people pay for things at their own pace.
Apace brand design ad concept

Full story of Apace business and brand design project
Simi and team had an idea for a payment service driven by technology that would revolutionize how people get what they want when they want it, when they need it.
Based on the concept of “buy now, pay later”, Simi wanted a suite of services that made it easy for people to access credit as long as the “borrower” can be easily assigned a credit limit that matched what they can afford.
The team offhandedly named it Klampay, whose meaning or justification they’ve been forever shy to reveal.
The burden would eventually fall to K16E to come up with a suitable name for the company — as a company, as a product, as a suite of products, and/or as a suite of financial technology services.
Carefully perusing and collaborating on 5 shared Google Docs, which the Klampay team had originally put together of user stories, each doc for each product direction of the suite, kb was able to fine-tune the overall idea and surfaced a draft charter capturing the entirety of what is now Apace — a suite of financial technology products and services that helps people get whatever they want while paying at their own pace, and for businesses to sell more.
Apace type concept

Partial quote from Similoluwa Bolaniran
Apace logo exploration views

Full quote from Similoluwa Bolaniran
“You’ll find in kb and team a commitment to follow it through. There’s no way we’re telling [Apace’s] story that K16E is not featured. We’re more than happy to recommend them.”
Similoluwa Bolaniran Co-founder/ceo
Apace logo as chartered

More on the Apace business and brand design project
Apace, like most startups we work with, came to us to “business design” an idea from a collection of user stories their new team had wrought.
Now, as soon as we had established what this product would be from several brainstorming sessions, “wilding” in constraints-free definitions, mind-mapping ideas, and vetting postulations and desires from Simi and company, we produced a draft Product Charter for Apace.
The Product Charter was eventually finalized when all involved could vet and agree on its suitability and scalability.